English for the Legal Department

20 x 90 Minute Module

The material used in this course is NOT meant to teach skills of the lawyers in the legal department, but to learn the vocabulary used when dealing with legal matters in English.

After this course the participant has the opportunity to take the "TOEIC" — Test of English for International Communication.

The course embraces the following — and more as required:

  • Tenses and grammar:
A quick review of the main forms
  • Legal Themes:
English for contracts
Classification of contracts
Elements of a contract
Leading cases
Terms of a contract
The clauses of a contract
Types of agreements
Remedies and breach of contract
The birth, life and death of a company
  • Presentations:
Principles of effective presentations
  • Meetings & Negotiations:
Principles of effective meetings and negotiations
Useful phrases for chairing meetings
Phases of a meeting and negotiation
Negotiation styles – Harvard University style
Role plays – mini-meetings and negotiations
  • Communication Skills:
Polite questions and requests, diplomatic language, persuasion techniques
  • Intercultural Skills:
Insight into intercultural differences in thinking patterns around the world
Body language – reading your partner’s message
Concepts of contracts and time around the world
Doing business in different cultures
  • Case Studies:
Authentic case studies in doing business globally